International Credit Union Day
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Every year since 1948, on the third Thursday in October, we celebrate International Credit Union Day. This day is about much more than just recognizing the existence of credit unions. It's about celebrating the spirit of the global credit union movement, sharing in achievements of other credit unions, and sharing the stories of our members.
We're proud to contribute to the growth of the credit union movement because with more credit unions in the world, more people have access to safe places to store, invest, and borrow money. We know 2020 has been a very different year for everyone, but one thing we hope remains consistent is that you have confidence in us to serve you and the communities you live in.
This year's theme is "Inspiring hope for a global community," which reminds us that together, we can accomplish great things as we have over the past 55 years. Let's celebrate our shared past while looking towards a strong future. Happy International Credit Union Day.
ICU Day 2020 "Inspiring Hope for a Global Community" from CUNA on Vimeo.